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RAM Books published its first book, Roots to America: A Chronicle of Peace, on 11.28.2022 (see below) and 100% of proceeds go to SERA! As of 1.18.2023, RAM Books has sold a total of 78 copies. They can be found on Facebook @RAM Books and on Instagram @Ram_Books_by_Julius

Now Available!

In Roots to America: A Chronicle of Peace, SERA Founder and CEO Julius Sweet, tells the story of Warren Peace, a character who relives some of the real-life events experienced by the author from trials and tribulations in childhood and adolescence to struggles, successes, and healing in adulthood. It is with hope the book serves as a calling card to those who need SERA's services, guidance, and who wish to follow the author in peer support and service. 

100% of proceeds will go to SERA.

EIN: 88-2752593